CLIENT Centre Culinaire Contemporain for b<>com - {dive} event 2016
MISSION Art direction & illustrations
IN FEW WORDS [SSSHHHRFFF!] is an immersive concept separated in three different atmospheres: Earth, Sea and Wood. Creation of a illustrated menu for an experimental and surprising journey from the breakfast to dinner for {divers}.

"[SSSHRRRFFF!] is the sound of:
- waves breaking on rocks
- wind filling sails
- the power of the elements
- the druid making his cauldron bubble
- the farmer’s boots in his damp field of artichokes...
- etc.
[SSSHRRRFFF!] is an edible, emotional, epicurean food experience concocted by three brilliant chefs."
Fabrice Clochard

Concept [SSSHRRRFF!] Fabrice Clochard Photography Vincent Besse

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