MISSION Graphic design / Illustrations
CONCEPT Vincent BESSE / Dominique DESJEUX / Fabrice CLOCHARD
BRIEF Create a global graphic environment for an HR board game :
✏️ Logotype : Naming brainstorming / Graphic design
🙋 6 personas : Character design
♟️ 6 playing pieces : Lasercut
🖍️ 1 board game
🂲 850+ cards
& more.
IN FEW WORDS "Le Cordon bleu, dans la tête ou dans l'assiette" is a board game created to understand all the mechanisms that push consumers to get involved in the practice of cooking.

This work is based on an analysis that combines two territories: a qualitative socio-anthropological study (30 interviewees) & a quantitative study (1500 interviewees).

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